Getting Started with Channel Groups

Group Channels into filterable and searchable collections


What are Channel Groups

Channel Groups provide the ability to group Channels into filterable and searchable collections, allowing users to more efficiently narrow down to the content they need. Channel Groups can be mapped to specific applications, making it possible to prioritize search results based on Groups.

Channels can be assigned to one or multiple Channel Groups.

Channel Groups can be mapped to multiple applications.

Managing Channel Groups

Create a Channel Group

  • Right-click on a Channel from the Home menu
  • Go to Manage Channel Groups > Add to Group
  • Select + New Channel Group to create a new group

Add or Remove a Channel from a Channel Group

  • Right-click on a Channel from the Home menu
  • Go to Manage Channel Groups > Add to Group or Remove from Group respectively
  • Select the Channel Group to add or remove

Edit a Channel Group

  • Right-click on a Channel Group from the top of the Home menu
  • Select View Group Details
  • Edit the Channel Group settings from the Details panel

Delete a Channel Group

  • Right-click on a Channel Group from the top of the Home menu
  • Select Delete Channel Group
  • Confirm that you want to delete the Channel Group

Deleting a Channel Group will NOT delete the Channels assigned to the group

Searching Channel Groups

  • Select a Channel Group from the Home menu to filter down to Channels in that group
  • Select the search bar after selecting a Channel Group to initiate a scoped text search of that Channel Group


  • Type the Channel Group name into the search bar and select search in to add the Channel Group as a scoped search

Map a Channel Group to an Application

Map Channel Groups to specific applications to to boost Channels and provide more relevant search results.

For example, you may want to prioritize your company's content over Revit Out-of-the-Box content. You can group your Channels into one group, and the OOTB content into another, and then set the preferred Channel Group to have a higher priority so that results from that Channel Group are more likely to be returned first.

Learn more: What are Application Mappings?