Manage, customize, and organize your Tags.
FAQ: How do I edit my tags and filters in AVAIL?
Use the Tag and Filters Editor and Bulk Tag Editor to adjust Key and Tag values, organize the order in which Keys and Tags are presented, and quickly edit, merge, or delete tags in bulk.
This article assumes a basic understanding of Tags in AVAIL. To get started, check out this article: AVAIL Tags 101(1 min read)
If you have Edit permissions on a channel, the Tag and Filters Editor can be opened from the upper-right corner:
This tool aggregates every tag on every piece of content in the channel into one view, broken down by keys and values.
New! Any changes made can be undone (or redone) with the Undo/Redo buttons in the upper-right:
Manage Key Visibility and Order
Drag and drop keys to determine the order in which they appear in the filters panel of the channel.
Important Note: Keys dragged below the orange line will hide those tags from the Filters panel, but the content will remain searchable under those terms.
Edit Values
Values can be edited by clicking on the pencil icon on each individual value.
Drag and Drop to a new Key
Values can be moved to different keys via the drag and drop handle on individual values
Edit Keys
To further customize keys, select or multi-select (shift/ctrl) the tags you would like to edit. Then, click the Edit Keys button and either select your preferred key or create a new one. You can also leave the original tags in place by checking the “Retain original tags” box.
Merge Tag Values
Multiple values can be merged into one by multi-selecting, clicking the Merge Values button, and then choosing the preferred value.
Delete Tags
To delete tags, select or multi-select values and click the Delete Tags button.
Content Count
To see how many pieces of content have a particular tag in the channel, mouse over the edit button on a value.
Wrap/Unwrap Tags
The wrap/unwrap buttons will wrap the values to be visible without horizontal scrolling, or restrict values to a single row, respectively.
Bulk Tag Editor
The Bulk Tag Editor view can be found in the toolbar of the Tags and Filters Editor.
This view breaks down the same information in a more traditional table (similar to the previous version of the Tags and Filters Editor), and includes the ability to sort by key, value or count of items in the channel with that tag.
Important Note: The Delete Tags, Edit Keys, and Merge Values buttons in the Bulk Tag Editor offer the same functionality as the edit and delete tools on the Tags and Filters Editor.