Understand common symptoms and solutions for resolving an issue with Stream
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General Information about Stream
Stream is installed on a Windows server and runs using the following services:
- AVAIL Stream Service
- AVAIL Stream Sync Service
- Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)
Once Stream has been installed and configured, users with the Publisher Role can utilize Stream via the Stream option in the upper left of the AVAIL Desktop:
Helpful tip: The Stream service logs location is C:\ProgramData\AVAIL\Stream
● client_hash_log.txt
● client_log.txt
● client_pipeline_log.txt
● application_log.txt
Stream Symptoms & Solutions
Issue: Incorrectly configured Stream Definition
The most common reason content is not publishing as expected is the configuration of the
Stream Definition itself.
Content is not getting published by Stream, but there are no obvious errors in the Stream logs.
- Verify the correct Channel is being Targeted
- Verify the correct folder(s) have been selected to be monitored
- Verify the content isn't accidentally being filtered by an Inclusion or Exclusion filter
- Common causes are:
- Incorrectly defined type, scope, specification, or condition parameter
- Incorrect usage of OR/AND
- Common causes are:
For more information on content filtering, visit our Content Filtering Reference Guide.
Issue: AVAIL Stream is not running
The AVAIL Stream service is not publishing content because Stream is not running. There are several possible causes for this listed below.
Stream Server shows a red down arrow in the AVAIL Desktop, under the Stream tab.
Cause A: The server where Stream is installed is down.
Solution: Ensure the server is running.
Cause B:
AVAIL Stream Service is not running.
AVAIL Stream Sync Service is not running.
- On the server where Stream is installed
- Open Services and verify the AVAIL Stream Service and AVAIL Stream Sync Service are both running.
- If not, try starting the service again. You should see the arrow turn green on the AVAIL Desktop.
If this does not resolve the issue, the following is recommended:
- On the Stream server.
- Open Services and stop the AVAIL Stream Service and AVAIL Stream Sync Service
- Navigate to C:\ProgramData\AVAIL\Stream.
- Delete the avail.db file.
- Start the AVAIL Stream Sync Service.
- Open the AVAIL Stream App on the server's desktop, and log in with the AVAIL account being used to run Stream (must be a Publisher).
- Start the AVAIL Stream Service.
- Verify if things are working again.
Cause C:
Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) is not running, or the job is stuck. Verify by reading the log at %programdata%\Avail\Stream\client_log.txt and looking for this line: "Bits job AVAIL Index Transmit is in State {currentState}".
- Verify that BITS is running in the Services window
- Stop the AVAIL Stream and AVAIL Stream Sync services
- Open a command line as Administrator and enter the following command:
- bitsadmin /list /allusers
- If there is a job running with the title AVAIL Index Transmit, note the ID of the job and run the following command:
- bitsadmin /cancel {id}
- Restart the AVAIL Stream and Sync services.
Cause D: Token expired. Failed to refresh login token.
- On the Stream server, open Services and stop the AVAIL Stream Service and AVAIL Stream Sync Service.
- Navigate to C:\ProgramData\AVAIL\Stream.
- Delete the avail.db file.
- Start the AVAIL Stream Sync Service.
- Open the AVAIL Stream App on the server's desktop, and log in with the AVAIL account being used to run Stream (must be a Publisher).
- Start the AVAIL Stream Service.
- Verify if things are working again.
Cause F:
The Windows account running the AVAIL Stream Service changed its password.
Solution: On the Stream server...
- Open Services and stop the AVAIL Stream Service.
- Right-click AVAIL Stream Service.
- Select Properties > Log on.
- Update the Password and Confirm password fields.
- Select Apply and then OK.
Issue: Stream seems to be inconsistent, some content wasn’t added/updated/removed
Stream is running, but some changes to the file system don’t seem to be getting picked up by Stream
Cause A:
Stream wasn’t running when the change was made.
If Stream was down when a file was added, renamed, relocated, or removed, the change was not detected and will not be processed.
Either make the change again when Stream is running again or trigger a rescan of the Stream Definition.
Cause B: A change was made to the root of the monitored path.
If the root of the monitored path is changed, Stream will no longer be able to monitor the specified path.
The root path is the path specified in Step 2 of creating/editing a Stream Definition. Stream supports changes to the subfolders of the monitored path, but if the root path has been changed the old path will need to be removed in Step 2, and the new path added.
For example:
If the root path is E:\Standards Library\Revit 2023 and the Subfolders option is checked:
- Supported: Changing E:\Standards Library\Revit 2023\Categories to E:\Standards Library\Revit 2023\Revit Categories
- Not supported: Changing E:\Standards Library\Revit 2023 to E:\Standards Library\Revit 2024
Cause C: Content was moved to an unmonitored path.
- Move the content to a location that is being monitored by Stream.
- Or, update the definition to include the unmonitored path.
Cause D:
The file was locked by another application. Applications such as Revit will lock a file in sessions where the file has been edited, preventing Stream from indexing the file.
Fully close the application to ensure the file is not locked. You may also need to remove, and then re-add the item from the File System.Are you still having issues with Stream? Please send the Stream Service Logs to support@getavail.com for more assistance.