RPCs Are Not Appearing When I Drag and Drop Into Revit (or SketchUp, 3ds Max, AutoCAD, etc.)

Where are my RPCs?

If you are attempting to drag and drop RPCs from an AVAIL Browser or the AVAIL Desktop but the RPCs are not appearing, the solution may be to ensure you have done the following:

The AVAIL Browser for Revit is required in order to drag and drop RPCs into Revit. Other applications (SketchUp, 3ds Max, AutoCAD, etc.) are compatible with drag and drop functionality directly from the AVAIL Desktop.

  • Subscribed to the RPC Channels in the AVAIL Desktop
  • Installed the RPC Plugins for the applications you will be using (found in the RPC Installers Channel)

If still unable to drag and drop RPCs from the AVAIL Browser for Revit add-in, we recommend the ArchVision Help Center for the latest updates, or contact us at support@getavail.com.