How Can I Change a User’s Application or Organization Role?

Learn how to assign and change user roles in AVAIL

To change a user’s Application or Organization role:

  1. Go to the AVAIL Manage Portal.
  2. Select the Manage Users tab on the left.
  3. From the table, find the user and select the edit button next to the user account you would like to edit.
  4. From the Edit User menu, select which roles to assign the user.

  5. Click Save to finish.

SSO Enable Plans

For accounts with Single Sign-on enabled, Application roles are determined by your Active Directory and will override the Manage Portal Application role settings. Users will automatically be given the Consumer role unless they are a member of the AVAIL Publisher Active Directory group which is configured during the SSO set-up process.

Important Note: AVAIL Free plans are limited to one Publisher and unlimited Consumers.