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What Will Happen If I Add, Edit, or Delete an Element (View, Sheet, Family, etc.) From a Revit Container File Which Has Been Harvested?

What to expect and how to handle changes to a container file when using AVAIL Harvest for Revit.

Inevitably, a container file that has been harvested will be updated. A view will be edited, a system family added, a sheet removed, etc.

Below is what to anticipate when these changes are made, and additional steps to ensure a great experience for your end-users.


The results will vary based on the Source Type selected when Harvesting

Harvested as Element Level Container

Harvested as Single Container (deprecated in Harvest 2.2)

Harvested as Source Type: Element Level Container

Action Result What to do next
Added a new Revit element to a container file The newly added element will not appear in AVAIL. Harvest the newly added element so it appears in AVAIL.
Edited the name of a Revit element in the container file which had previously been harvested. The element will appear in AVAIL but not be updated. Re-harvest the edited element to update the name in AVAIL
Edited a Revit element in the container file which had been previously harvested, but did not change the name The element will appear in AVAIL but not be updated. Re-harvest the edited element to update in AVAIL
Deleted a Revit element from the container file which had previously been harvested. The element will appear in AVAIL and be usable until it is manually removed from AVAIL. In the AVAIL Desktop, remove the content which has been deleted from the container file.


Beginning with Harvest 2.2, all content is Harvested as an Element Level Container. The 'Source Type' dropdown menu and Single Container option has been removed.

Why was the Single Container option deprecated?

With Harvest 2.2, we made the decision to remove the Single Container source type as we weren't able to provide a consistently good experience for end-users (long load times, RVT files getting locked, not able to cloud-host).

The main reasons for doing so include:

  • Reduce the potential for long load times for end-users
  • Avoid issues caused by source RVT files being locked
  • Not able to cloud-host Single Container

We recognize that there were benefits to the Single Container option, such as less processing needing to be done by the Publishers. We are taking this into consideration as we continue to develop and improve AVAIL Harvest!