Indexing Content: Troubleshooting Guide

Having trouble indexing content? Read more about ways to troubleshoot this issue.

Unable to Index Revit Content?

Be sure the files(s) are not open in Revit. If the files are open, Revit will lock the files and prevent you from indexing them into AVAIL.

Unable to Index Any Content? 

Ask your Admin to check the Global Filters settings in the Manage Portal. The filters may be preventing your ability to index certain file types and/or index from certain file path locations. 

Still Having Trouble?

Try these steps to troubleshoot the issue further:

  1. Fully close the desktop app (select your name in the top-right, then Exit AVAIL).
  2. In File Explorer, go to %localappdata%\avail.
  3. Delete the file named IndexJobs.json.
  4. Re-launch the desktop app and try indexing a single file and see if that works. If this is successful, try the rest of the content you were attempting to index.
  5. Contact if you continue to experience issues. 

Do you have cloud-hosted content? Learn more about how to index from locations like OneDrive, SharePoint, Dropbox, Google Drive, and more in this article.